Thursday, May 21, 2015

5 Great Writing Prompt Boards on Pinterst

The last post relied on an inforgraphic to express how Writers can use Pinterest.  Made by, this handy dandy graphic is chock full of useful and important information for anyone looking to make a career out of their words (like me.) 

To further this quest - knowing which boards to follow on Pinterest can be a boon to your creativity, especially if you are seeking Writing Prompts.  Among the many valuable boards out there, these are a five that have caught my eye or have been featured on other lists.  

It is far from exhaustible and only a small sampling of gold - please let me know your favorite boards, or share your own!

2,906 followers look to Daily Writing Prompts, authored by for their inspiration and daily writing exercises.  With over 800 pins featuring such tidbits like “Write a scene about a greeting card and a paper clip” this board offers more vague instructions, rather than the specific prompts found elsewhere – though there are plenty of those as well, listed in a different color. 

According to his Pinterest profile, Created by MrHughes is a father of six, full time administrator and ½ day 6th grade teacher.  He also happens to pin the Writing Prompts board, an active spot that 5,321 current followers seek out for inspiration.  These pins are culled from other sources, making it a well-rounded and helpful board with something for everyone.  

Another gem is a board by Writer's Relief, aptly called Writing Prompts.  With 683 pins (as of right now) and almost 7,000 followers, this is a bouncing page sure to delight.  Prompts can take the form of a lead in, the familiar story idea or even a picture, including popular or trending memes. 

New to my favorites list, Story Starters comes from the mind of 19 year old Amy / Writing Maverick. Full of angsty and deep prompts, this is a teenagers dream, a YA authors inspiration or the basis for a creepy Steampunk adventure.  

Inspire me With is a fabulous board that showcases prompts from every genre and taste.  Dialogue prompts, picture inspiration, story ideas, mood prompts - it's all here wrapped in quality and humor galore.

Please let me know which boards you follow for inspiration - or share your own! 

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